torstai 25. kesäkuuta 2015

Crowdfunding promotes democracy!

A number of digital tools have emerged to help start-up companies raise funding for their novel value creating projects. Importantly, these tools have offered means to interact with consumers, empower them, and give voice to those who were previously left silent. This is where democracy meets the consumer market.

A crowdfunding campaign per se can be very useful to tell about who the team is, what the company offers and why. Transparency is essential to democracy. And, as I mentioned above, a company can – if it chooses to do so – offer consumers a opportunities to get involved, to use their intellect, creativity, time and effort to contribute. 

Consumers may be invited to decide for instance about particular campaign products, methods, etc. As individuals, they may even be granted the right to leave their identity markers on the end product itself. This is when the individual can see oneself in the product and say: Hey! That's me! That was my idea! Millions of people may see that. Amazing, right?

A crowdfunding campaign offers the consumers also an opportunity to establish meaningful new communities around their joint interests and enjoy being part of the process of creation.

Recently, Loiste Interactive, started an Indiegogo campaign calling for support in getting a new PC/Mac game, INFRA, out to the market. The team invited everyone even remotely interested in the new game, INFRA, to get involved. INFRA will fill a void, but it will do a better job if the community is involved.

The campaign can be followed in Facebook and Twitter. There will be a lot of competitions, etc. coming up. Check this out, since you are offered a pretty intriguing chance to leave your mark both on the campaign and on the game!